Deliv Rent is also a shop selling sports articles, offering our clients all the best brands.
A short walk from the shop is a convenient iceskating rink for all the family's enjoyment!

The best brands selected for you.
Deliv Rent also has a huge range of high quality sports accessories and equipment. You'll find all the skiing and mountain equipment and accessories you need, at really affordable prices. Our staff know how to advise you in your choice, ensuring your winter holiday in Ponte di Legno is unforgettable!
In the shop we have all the top brands, offering RACE enthusiasts whether adults or children, a huge range of special items: protective gear, ski racing suits, skis, boots, and ski racing poles.
We look forward to seeing you!
Our passion and professionalism are at your service.

Ponte di Legno, as well as skiing.
Deliv Rent also has fun options for non-skiers. Next door to our hire shop is a beautiful iceskating rink, a great place to go when you've finished skiing or to spend a few hours of family fun.
Fun is guaranteed for everyone. And if you don't have any skates? No problem! You can hire them from Deliv Rent , for a great day's enjoyment!
Some images of
Deliv rent
Come visit us at Deliv rent of wooden bridge. A shop equipped with the best brands but also a meeting point for the post. Its skating rink allows everyone to have fun and finish off their day.